Thursday, December 26, 2013

Rates and Services 2019-2020

Services and Rates 2019-2020

Equine Therapeutic Massage Session:  $85 Multiple Horses $75

The therapy session time is based on horses individual needs and usually runs 90 minutes depending on the comfort of the horse. 
I am glad to travel up to 50 miles without any additional travel fees.
I am willing and glad to travel more than 50 miles for a session and will charge an additional fee depending on distance. Please call for quote on mileage.

Equine Manual Lymphatic Drainage Session: $85

Canine Massage : $40

I am happy to come out to your home or kennel (competition and show dogs). Each session is roughly an hour. If you bring your dog to a barn where I am scheduled to work horses I offer a discount on the massage rate for canines to $50 a session. If I am working a competition or trial and working many dogs in one location the rate is also $45 a dog.

Equine & Canine Rehabilitation and Massage: Call for quote

I have been trained in rehabilitation massage techniques and work closely with your veterinarian team to ensure that I am following the prescribed rehab protocols for your horse or dog. Please call to get a quote based on the needs of the horse and client.

Massage for inflammation.
Circulatory Massage
Scar Tissue Management
Hand Walking

Reiki (Energy Based Healing System): $40

I practice traditional Japanese Reiki. The sessions last about an hour. What is Reiki? Reiki is an alternative healing therapy that uses energy to create an equilibrium within the animal. This practice can help tremendously with horses, dogs, livestock that have been injured, are sick, have trouble accepting touch, have been abused or neglected and those individuals that are high strung or living in a stressful environment.

Reiki is also extremely beneficial to healthy happy animals as it fills them up with good positive energy and who doesn't need a bit of that! right? It is a great way to boost their systems and keep them healthy, active, and participating with vitality.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Massage Session at Healing Horses, Kauia

In November of 2013 I was able to perform massage therapy on this rescue paint horse mare named Mailea at the Healing Horses facility on Kauai. Her story told to me by Heather Phelps director of Healing Horses was that Mailea, now in her twenties, was found standing in a field and she was just skin and bones.  Local young girls went out of their way to find the owner and ask if they could have Mailea to rehabilitate her. They kept her for a few months at their home hidden away from sight for fear they themselves would be reported for abuse, she was just that emaciated.  They fed her pounds and pounds of quality food a day until she slowly gained her weight back. They then donated her to Healing Hands as a therapy horse. When I had the pleasure of working with Mailea she was being slowly brought back to work each day with light riders and only for limited time to build back the muscle required to carry riders. For a horse who had endured so much neglect she was very open to massage. Therapy horses are one of my interests due to the positive impact they are have healing of people from traumatic backgrounds as well as the help they provide to children with emotional and developmental disabilities.  Thank you to Heather of Healing Horses Therapeutic Riding for all that you do. It was a honor to work with your great horses for the week I was on Kauai.